Quiz Question Response Handling Settings
This feature provides you with various options of how to handle responses to a quiz question.
You can only use the response handling feature if the quiz question requires a response.
Accessing the Quiz Response Handling Settings
From the Left hand menu, navigate to Projects
Click on “All Projects” in the sub menu, this will open up the Project List.
In the project folder, choose the ‘Quiz’ option by clicking on “Create New”
or select an existing quiz from the list. You will then be redirected to the Quiz Window.
Click on the edit button to on the question you would like to edit or click on
to start editing your first question.
Click on “Advanced Settings” to open the advanced settings options.
Click on the “Response Handling” tab.
You can select the action that you would like performed handle the response as shown below e.g. the response can be handled a serial lookup, a coupon lookup.
To set up an action, do the following:
- Go to the Quiz Response Handling Settings by following the steps under Accessing Quiz Response Handling Settings above
- Under Action, select the desired action which are:
- Referral Lookup - This will work with Referrals. The system will interpret a response to the question with the said action as a Referral. Echo will interpret response as phone number, and register contact if possible.
- Coupon Lookup - Echo will interpret response a response to the question with the said action as a coupon code
- Entity Lookup - Echo will interpret response a response to the question with the said action as an ID of an Entity. You can then choose link the entity to contact upon successful lookup or link only if contact has no linked entity
- Serial Lookup - Echo will interpret response a response to the question with the said action as a Serial ID or Serial Code. You can choose to register the serial upon successful look up
- Click on “Save Question” to update the settings.
Store Response As
You can populate respondent fields with quiz responses by assigning standard or custom fields to questions. You can populate the name field by assigning the name field to a question
To setup a field, do the following:
- Go to the Quiz Response Handling Settings by following the steps under Accessing Quiz Response Handling Settings above
- Under “Store Response As”, select the desired field (Standard or Custom Fields)
- Click on “Save Question” to update the settings.
Advanced Logic
Here you can be able to capture expressions allow you to define advanced logic useful for creating complex schedules or quiz flows .
To set up advanced logic, do the following:
- Go to the Quiz Response Handling Settings by following the steps under Accessing Quiz Response Handling Settings above
- Under "Advanced Logic" click on “Add Scenario”
- In the scenario, you can capture and build complex expression. You can also select the desired call-to-action option i.e Add Field, Add Go-To, Add Email Alert e.t.c
- Click on “Help on Expressions” to get a pop up guide that you could use to as a reference when building expressions.
- Click on “Save Question” to update the settings.
Need some guidance with advanced logic? Feel free to drop us an email
support@echomobile.org and we'd be happy to guide you on how you can set up quiz flow
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