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Generating a Send Report for a Notice
Once the Notice has been sent out, a Send Report can be exported from the platform in an Excel Sheet format (.xls , .xlsx) To generate a Notice Send report, do the following: From the Left hand menu, navigate to Folders Click on “All Folders” in the ...
Creating a Notice
Communication can refer to a poll, sampling, series of subsequent messages or a single message that you wish to conduct with a targeted group of contacts for a specific period of time Notices allow you to have one way communications with your ...
Viewing a Quiz Summary
Quiz Summary gives an overview of the selected communication. Here you able to view details such as the date created, the date edited, the number of questions in the quiz , recent activities, average duration, calculate cost etc. Accessing Quiz ...
Editing a Notice
Once you have created the notice you now edit it as desired. To edit a notice, do the following: From the Left hand menu, navigate to Folders Click on “All Folders” in the sub menu, this will open up the Folder List In a folder, choose the ‘Notice’ ...
Advanced Options of a Notice
This feature provides advanced options that can be set up for a notice as shown below: Timing Here you are able to set up time dependent messages as shown below To set up timing for a notice, do the following From the Left hand menu, navigate to ...