Contact Global Actions

Contact Global Actions

You can perform various global actions on your contact list such as expiring all active invites, deleting contacts, *sending communications, edit labels and change group

Expire Active Invites

Contacts who have been invited to a survey/quiz or currently responding to survey/quiz questions will have active invites marked by red or blue color codes. These contacts are unavailable and will be unable to participate in any other communication.

You can perform a global action of expiring active invites if you wish to have ALL contacts in your group available.

To Expire invites for Individual Contacts, do the following:

  1. On the Left hand menu, navigate to the Group.
  2. Under Contacts; click on the “Select Check Box” on the desired contact(s)
  3. On the icons that appear, click on the "Expire Invite" 
  4.  This action will expire the current invites to the selected contacts in the group.

To Expire Active Invites for a full group, do the following:

  1. On the Left hand menu, navigate to the Group.

  2. Under Contacts; click on the Check Box Icon on your top left next to the Search box

  3. Once clicked, a dialogue will appear with instructions if you want to perform a full group action on all contacts in the group, click on Select Full Group

  4. On the icons that appear, click on the "Expire Invite" Invite 

  5. . This action will expire the current invites to all the contacts in the group.

Deleting Contacts in a Group

You can delete individual contacts or you can delete ALL contacts in your group by performing a full group action. This is an option available to assist you in managing and re-organizing your existing groups. 

To Delete Individual Contacts, do the following:

  1. On the Left hand menu, navigate to the Group.

  2. Under Contacts;  click on the “Select Check Box” on the desired contact(s)

  3. On the icons that appear, click on the "Delete" 

  4. Select your preferred delete options and click on “Delete”

  5. Enter your password to authenticate the action. 

  6. This action will delete the selected contact(s)

To perform a Full Group Delete, do the following:

  1. On the Left hand menu, navigate to the Group.

  2. Under Contacts; Click on the Check Box Icon on your top left next to the Search box

  3. Once clicked, a dialogue will appear with instructions if you want to perform a full group action on all contacts in the group, click on Select Full Group

  4. On the icons that appear, click on the "Delete" 

  5. Select your preferred delete options and click on “Delete”

  6. Enter your password to authenticate the action

  7. This action will delete ALL contacts. 

  8. Once the full group delete process is complete, a background task will appear at the bottom of the page.

Sending Communications

You can send out communications(surveys, quizzes and notices) from the contact list. Sending Communication via the Contact List is also dependent on the current View Contacts per page option. In the contacts list window, this normally defaults to 20 per page. It is possible to view and select a maximum of 200 contacts per page and also send communication to a maximum of 200 contacts in a contacts list page.

To send out communications via the Contact List, do the following:

  1. On the Left hand menu, navigate to the Group.

  2. Under Contacts; Click on the Check Box Icon on your top left next to the Search box. Remember to select the desired view contacts per page options

  3. On the icons that appear, click on the "Send Communication"  

  4. On the Send Communication dialog box, select the desired survey and click on “Send” . 

  5. This action will send out the desired communication to the selected contacts

We recommend using the Invite Launcher if you wish to send out the survey to a section of the contacts in the group, you apply filters.  Using the Invite Launcher is ideal for sending out communications, as it performs an invite count before sending out the communication which assists one in estimating the cost of the communication as well as ensuring that the target contacts have been selected based on the count.

Edit Labels

You can be able to edit labels of multiple contacts in a group. Edit Labels via the Contact List is also dependent on the current View Contacts per page option. In the contacts list window, this normally defaults to 20 per page. It is possible to view a maximum of 200 contacts per page and also edit labels for the entire group.

Another alternative to edit information of contacts is via performing a contact upload.

To edit labels for selected contacts, do the following:

  1. On the Left hand menu, navigate to the Group.

  2. Under Contacts; Click on the Check Box Icon on your top left next to the Search box. Remember to select the desired view contacts per page options

  3. On the icons that appear, click on the "Edit Label"  

  4. On the Edit Label dialog box, enter the desired label that you wish to add or remove and click on appropriate option. 

  5. This action will edit labels of the selected contacts.

To edit labels for the full group, do the following:
  1. On the Left hand menu, navigate to the Group.
  2. Under Contacts; Click on the Check Box Icon on your top left next to the Search box.
  3. Once clicked, a dialogue will appear with instructions if you want to perform a full group action on all contacts in the group, click on Select Full Group
  4. On the icons that appear, click on the "Edit Label"  
  5. On the Edit Label dialog box, enter the desired label that you wish to add or remove and click on appropriate option. 
  6. This action will edit labels of the ALL the contacts within a group.

Change Groups

You can move or change the groups of your existing  selected contacts or ALL contacts. This is an option available to assist you in managing and re-organizing your existing groups. 

To Change Groups for selected contacts, do the following

  1. On the Left hand menu, navigate to the Group.

  2. Under Contacts; click on the “Select Check Box” on the desired contact(s)

  3. On the icons that appear, click on the "Change Group"  

  4. .On the Change Group dialog box, select the group that you wish to move the contacts to

  5. This action will move the selected contacts to the new/selected group

To Change groups for ALL contacts, do the following:

  1. On the Left hand menu, navigate to the Group.

  2. Under Contacts; Click on the Check Box Icon on your top left next to the Search box

  3. Once clicked, a dialogue will appear with instructions if you want to perform a full group action on all contacts in the group, click on Select Full Group

  4. On the icons that appear, click on the "Change Group" 
  5.  On the Change Group dialog box, select the group that you wish to move the contacts to.
  6. This action will move ALL contacts to the new/selected group

    If you are editing labels, deleting contacts or moving contacts in a group with 1000+ contacts, kindly note that the process will take several minutes before completing. In case of any questions or queries on this, feel free to reach out to

    Related Topics

    1. Adding New Contacts to a Group
    2. View & Search Contact Options
    3. Export Contacts from a Group

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