Quiz Question Basic Settings

Quiz Question Basic Settings

The basic tab under advanced settings for Questions has the following options:


Enabling this option allows you to enter a translated version of a question, which the users of the platform can understand, and use to analyze quiz responses. For example, you may write all question text in Swahili, which gets sent out to respondents but also add an English version on the translated text box for internal analysis.

To enable translated option, do the following:
  1. From the Left hand menu, navigate to Projects
  2. Click on “All Projects” in the sub menu
  3. This will open up the Project List.
  4. In a project folder,choose the ‘Quiz’ option by clicking on “Create New” or select an existing quiz from the list. You will be redirected to the Quiz Window.
  5. Click on the edit button to on the question you would like to edit or click on to start editing your first question. The Question Editor window will appear.
  6. Click on “Advanced Settings” and the advanced settings options will open up
  7. Under Basic Tab, enable or disable Translation by clicking on “Translate” check box.
  8. Click on “Save Question” to update the settings.


If you mark the question as required, the respondent will continue to get the same question until they give a valid answer (thus bypassing the maximum re-sends set.
To mark a question as required, do the following:
  1. From the Left hand menu, navigate to Projects
  2. Click on “All Projects” in the sub menu
  3. This will open up the Project List.
  4. In a project folder, choose the ‘Quiz’ option by clicking on “Create New” or select an existing quiz from the list. You will be redirected to the Quiz Window.
  5. Click on the edit button to on the question you would like to edit or Click on to start editing your first question. The Question Editor window will appear.
  6. Click on “Advanced Settings” and the advanced settings options will open up
  7. Under Basic Tab, enable or disable Translation by clicking on “Required” check box
  8. Click on “Save Question” to update the settings.

Randomize Choices

This is randomizing feature for multiple choice questions, that reorders multiple choices  sent to your respondents. This works in such a way that different respondents receive the same question but with the multiple choices randomly ordered.
This only works on the SMS, USSD and IVR Only

To set up Randomize for Multiple Choice Questions, do the following:
  1. From the Left hand menu, navigate to Projects
  2. Click on “All Projects” in the sub menu
  3. This will open up the Project List.
  4. In a project folder, choose the ‘Quiz’ option by clicking on “Create New” or select an existing quiz from the list. You will be redirected to the Quiz Window.
  5. Click on the edit button to on the  question you would like to edit or Click on to start editing your first question. The Question Editor window will appear.
  6. Click on “Advanced Settings” and the advanced settings options will open up
  7. Under Basic Tab, enable or disable Randomize feature by clicking on “Randomize” check box.
  8. Select which choices of the question you wish to randomize.
  9. Click on “Save Question” to update the settings.

Only Ask Respondent with Label

You can choose to ask certain questions only to respondents categorized under a certain label. Select which respondents receive certain question from the drop-down.
To set this up, do the following:
  1. From the Left hand menu, navigate to Projects
  2. Click on “All Projects” in the sub menu
  3. This will open up the Project List
  4. In a project folder, choose the ‘Quiz’ option by clicking on “Create New” or select an existing quiz from the list. You will be redirected to the Quiz Window.
  5. Click on the edit button to on the question you would like to edit or Click on to start editing your first question. The Question Editor window will appear.
  6. Click on “Advanced Settings” and the advanced settings options will open up
  7. Under Basic Tab, on Only ask respondents with label, select the label you wish to set up for the question.
  8. Click on “Save Question” to update the settings.

Auto- Progress

This feature will auto-progress individual questions and not the entire quiz after a specified time interval(minutes). This works on SMS only
To set up the Auto-Progress feature, do the following:
  1. From the Left hand menu, navigate to Projects
  2. Click on “All Projects” in the sub menu
  3. This will open up the Project List
  4. In a project folder,  choose the ‘Quiz’ option by clicking on “Create New” or select an existing quiz from the list. You will be redirected to the Quiz Window.
  5. Click on the edit button to on the  question you would like to edit or Click on to start editing your first question. The Question Editor window will appear.
  6. Click on “Advanced Settings” and the advanced settings options will open up
  7. Under Basic Tab, on Auto-Progress, enter the desired number of Minutes
  8. Click on “Save Question” to update the settings

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