Quiz Question Logic Settings
This feature also known as Skip Logic, allows a respondent to skip other questions based on the response provided.
This logic can be set up for Numeric type questions, Open ended questions and Multiple choice/select questions.
It is key when working with Skip Logic is to have a process flow or diagram that charts out your ideal customer journey and use case.
It is key when working with Skip Logic is to have a process flow or diagram that charts out your ideal customer journey and use case.
Our Support Team remain at your disposal if you want to have more information on setting up skip logic. You can contact them on
support@echomobile.org or if enabled, use the chat box on each page of the Echo platform
To set up Logic on a Question, do the following:
- From the Left hand menu, navigate to Projects
- Click on “All Projects” in the sub menu, this will open up the Project List
- In a project folder, choose the ‘Quiz’ option by clicking on “Create New”
or select an existing quiz from the list. You will be redirected to the Quiz Window.
- Click on the edit button to on the question you would like to edit or Click on
to start editing your first question. The Question Editor window will appear.
- Click on “Advanced Settings” and the advanced settings options will open up
- Under Logic Tab; on Ask if response to, select the desired previous question.
- Based on the selected Question response type set up the appropriate logic which are:
- Numeric type questions: The following types of skip logic criteria are supported
- Equal e.g. 100
- Greater than e.g. >100
- Less than e.g. <100
- Range of values e.g. 100-200
- Open ended questions
- For open ended questions, skip logic will match on lowercase or uppercase values of the skip logic criteria
- Multiple choice/select questions
- Either the option character or option value of the response can be used to define skip logic e.g. to match the choice "A) Land" either "A" or "Land" can be used.
- Click on “Save Question” to update the settings.
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