This feature provides several ways you can validate responses received from the respondents.
Accessing the Survey Question Validation Settings Page
From the Left hand menu, navigate to Folders
Click on “All Folders” in the sub menu, this will open up the Folder List
In the folder, choose the ‘Survey’ option by clicking on “Create New” or select an existing survey from the list. You will be redirected to the Survey Window.
Click on the edit button on the question you would like to edit or click on “Add Question” to start editing your first question.
Click on “Advanced Settings” to open the advanced settings options.
Click on the “Validation” tab.
Response Length
You can validate by determining the number of minimum and maximum characters allowable for the responses you receive.
This only applies to open-ended questions. If the response made is of the set response length, the contact would be able to move on to the next question and if invalid, they would receive a resend of the question with the invalid response prefix.
To set up the Response Length, do the following:
- Go to the Survey Question Validation Settings by following the steps under Accessing Survey Question Validation Settings page above
- Under Response Length, enter the minimum and maximum length respectively.
- Click on “Save Question” to update the settings.
Range Validation
You can validate a range by determining the minimum and maximum numeric value allowable for the responses you receive.
This only applies to numeric questions. If the response made is of the set range, the contact would be able to move on to the next question and if invalid, they would receive a resend of the question with the invalid response prefix.
To set up the Range Validation, do the following:
- Go to the Survey Question Validation Settings by following the steps under Accessing Survey Question Validation Settings page above
- Under Range Validation, enter the minimum and maximum range value respectively.
- Click on “Save Question” to update the settings.
Invalid Response Reply Prefix
You can capture an invalid message prefix that will be sent out as part of the resend question if the response made to the question is invalid. It is key to customize this prefix based on your customer. The default prefix is “Please try again”
To set up an invalid response reply prefix, do the following:
- Go to the Survey Question Validation Settings by following the steps under Accessing Survey Question Validation Settings page above
- Under Invalid Response Reply Prefix, type in the desired message.
- Click on “Save Question” to update the settings.
Pattern Matching
You can capture regular expressions to apply to pattern matching. Regular expressions are special text strings for describing a search or text pattern. This can be used as a form of validation for survey questions that requires a specific pattern of words as the response.
For Example;
\b[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,}\b to validate a response for an email address.
^[^\d]*$ to validate the response and ensure that the whole response must consist of characters that aren't digits.
To set up a regular expression under pattern matching, do the following:
- Go to the Survey Question Validation Settings by following the steps under Accessing Survey Question Validation Settings page above
- Under Pattern Matching, enter the desired expression.
- Click on “Save Question” to update the settings.
If valid, the contact would be able to move on to the next question and if invalid, they would receive a resend of the question with the invalid response prefix.
Other Allowed Responses
Here you can be able to capture other allowed responses to a question. These would be other arbitrary values e.g. Don't Know, Refuse, etc.This feature can be used to allow respondents to 'pass' questions with lookup actions.
To set up other allowed responses, do the following:
- Go to the Survey Question Validation Settings by following the steps under Accessing Survey Question Validation Settings page above
- Under Other Allowed Responses, key in the responses and enter each value on a new line.
- Click on “Save Question” to update the settings
Ignored Words
You can also validate your responses by choosing to ignore common phases from the responses.
To set up ignored words, do the following:
- Go to the Survey Question Validation Settings by following the steps under Accessing Survey Question Validation Settings page above
- Under Ignored Words, enter the list of word you wish to be ignored on the responses to the question.
- Click on “Save Question” to update the settings
List Validation
This allows you to have predetermined responses that you would want your respondents to send in. You can also choose to apply lenient matching.
For example, a list could be setup for responses to a “Which County are You From” question and lenient matching can be applied to the County (Location) response.
Lenient matching matches when the response id at least 70% to 80% of the total characters of the word.
For SAMBURU which has 7 characters; 70% would be SAMB whereas 80% is SAMBU, the response will be matched to SAMBURU. This would work in reverse as well if the response was BURU or MBURU
So if a respondent responds with SAMB, the response will be matched to SAMBURU. This ensures that the responses are in line with your predetermined list.
To add in values to the List, do the following:
- Go to the Survey Question Validation Settings by following the steps under Accessing Survey Question Validation Settings page above
- Under List Validation, enter the predetermined responses to the question. You can also share with Echo Mobile a list of locations(County, Districts, Sub-County, Towns e.t.c with their longitudes and latitudes which can be add under List Validation. This will aid if you would like set up Location based mappings as your contacts respond to survey questions.
- Click on “Save Question” to update the settings
For a Net promoter score question, contacts give their rating or response to this question by responding with a numeric value. The response will then be evaluated on a scale and be categorized in terms of Promoters, Detractors and Passives.
- Promoters are loyal customers who will likely to buy more of your products or services, remain long time customers and make more positive referrals that would fuel growth.
- Passives are satisfied customers but could easily switch to a competitor if given the opportunity. They probably would not enthusiastic enough about your products or services to promote them.
- Detractors are unhappy customers .They are customers who can damage your brand and impede growth through negative word-of-mouth.
With NPS question in Echo, you can choose from two scale options, 1 - 5 and 0 - 10.
For NPS scale of 0-10:
- Detractors will be: 0 - 6
- Passives will be: 7 - 8
- Promoters will be: 9 - 10
For NPS scale of 0-5;
- Detractors will be: 1 - 2
- Passives will be: 3
- Promoters will be: 4 - 5
To select an Net Promoter Score Range, do the following:
- Go to the Survey Question Validation Settings by following the steps under Accessing Survey Question Validation Settings page above
- Under Net Promoter Score Range, select your preferred range.
- Click on “Save Question” to update the settings.
Once you have set your Net Promoter Score Range for the NPS question within your surveys and the surveys have been activated, you will be unable to switch to another range.
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