Viewing Results on a Survey
View Results
Survey Results in Echo Mobile are analysand in real time. Results can be viewed by case & respondent.
To view results for a survey, do the following:
- From the Left hand menu, navigate to Folders
- Click on “All Folders” in the sub menu, this will open up the Folder List
- Open the folder in which your survey is contained, click on the desired survey. This will open the Survey Editor window.
- Click on “Results” on the top row
- You will be able to view survey results of completed surveys, status, duration of the survey, whether there was a delay etc.
- You will also be able to view the real-time progress bar of how many respondents have completed the survey so far out of the survey invites that have been sent.
Upload Survey Cases
You can also upload complete survey cases into the platform in order to aggregate the data collection from different medium e.g paper based questionnaires.
To upload your survey cases, do the following:
- From the Left hand menu, navigate to Folders
- Click on “All Folders” in the sub menu, this will open up the Folder List
- Open the folder in which your survey is contained, click on the desired survey. This will open the Survey Editor window.
- Click on “Results” on the top row
- Click on the “upload batch of cases” button.
- Here a dialog box will open up, download the case upload template. This template shows the columns that should be part of the upload file.
- Once you have the upload file, select file and click on upload.
Survey case upload file
For a successful upload, the survey case upload file should have the following columns:
- phone
- name
- start_date
- complete_date
- device_case_id*
- agent*
- [question short ID]

These column names are reserved names for an upload file that means that case upload with "agent" or “phone” as a question ID of a survey will not work.

*Device case id column: This is mandatory column during a case upload. It is important to note that
- Currently you have to provide a "device case id" when uploading cases and it must be unique across all cases for your account.
- This mimics what would be in the field or agents filling out data on the Echo agent app as their devices would have unique ID.
*Agent column: This column is optional and works well data collection programs that work with with Echo agent. It is important to note that:
- If the agent column is included in the spreadsheet, it should contain the email of the agent account registered in the organization's account.
- If no email is provided i.e the agent column is left blank, then the case is recorded against the account of the Echo platform user performing the upload.
- If an invalid or an email that does not exist with your organization's account is included, an error will be raised and the case will not be added
Survey Case Links
Survey case links provide you with one-click access to the underlying source (the Echo survey case) through a simple, standard URL. This will enable quicker and easier easy cross-checks and reconciliations, and deeper dives on important data points.
This is helpful if you use exports to aggregate Echo survey data with contact or product data or for analysis in other tools.
To use or implement survey case links do the following:
- Add following pattern to the browser: /link/case/[cskey_or_id] where [cskey_or_id] is the survey case ID.
- This pattern should be added onto
- Once this is added to the browser together with the particular survey case ID, the URL will be redirected to a specific case.
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