Coupon Redemption

Coupon Redemption

What is Coupon Redemption?

A contact's use of the coupon code in exchange or anticipation of the value tied to the coupon is termed as the coupon redemption

Who is involved in the Coupon Redemption Process?

  1. Recipient of a Coupon: The recipient of the coupon code is the contact who receives the unique coupon codes and provisioned to them via SMS or via upload
  2. Redeemer of a Coupon: The redeemer of the coupon code is the contact who redeems the code or uses the code in order to receive the incentive reward.  This can be an authorized party such as shop attendant at various branch locations can validate the status of the coupon and redeem it on behalf of the customer.  Alternatively based on the coupon value, the customer themselves can redeem the code
For a contact to be able to redeem a coupon code, the respondent must be registered in a group that has the permissions to redeem a coupon.

How to Enable Coupons for Redemption?

For the contacts who will be the redeemers of the coupon, you would need to enable coupons for redemption within the group they belong to.
To enable a coupon for redemption in a group, do the following:
  1. From the Left-hand menu, navigate to Groups
  2. Click on the desired group in the sub-menu
  3. Click on "Settings"
  4. Under Settings, click on Coupons 
  5. On "Coupons Enabled for Redemption", select the coupon you wish to enable for group
  6. Click on "Save Group Settings" to update the changes.

How to check the status for the coupon?

Contacts who will be redeemers can check the status of the coupon via SMS
To be able to check the validity of a coupon and redeem it, the respondent must be registered in a group that has the permissions to redeem a coupon.

To do so, do the following:
  1. Send in a text message to the short-code with the coupon code preceded by “?”. For example, if the coupon code is ABCDE, the respondent will send in ?ABCDE to the relevant short-code. 
  2. The respondent should then receive a message whether the coupon is pending redemption, invalid or expired
You can also view the status of the coupon on the platform. To do so, do the following:
  1. From the Left-hand menu, navigate to "More"
  2. Click on “Coupons”
  3. On the Coupon list, click on the View Options toggle
  4. Here you can be able to view coupons that are pending redemption, coupons have been redeemed and coupons that have been expired.

How can One Redeem the Coupon Code?

Coupon Redemption Via SMS

You can redeem a coupon via SMS. To redeem a valid coupon, do the following:
  1. Send in a text message to the short-code containing the coupon code only or preceded by “!”. For example, if the coupon code is ABCDE, the respondent will send in ABCDE or !ABCDE to the relevant short code.
  2. The respondent should then receive a message whether the coupon has or has not been successfully redeemed.

Coupon Redemption Via Survey Question

You can also redeem a coupon via a Survey Question. To set this up, do the following:
  1. Add a question to a survey
  2. Under the question, click on "Advanced Options"
  3. Then click on "Response Handling"
  4. On "Action", select "Coupon Lookup". This will perform several actions once a response sent in to the question set up with the Coupon Lookup action:
  • A search will performed on the list of coupons and the respective coupon codes
  • A check on the status of the coupon i.e if the coupon is redeemable, 
  • A check if the contact is in the group allowed to redeem the coupon
  • Once the actions are successful, the coupon will be redeemed
  1. Creating a Coupon
  2. Editing Coupons
  3. Upload, Generate and Send out Coupons
  4. Archiving Coupons
  5. Export Coupon Codes Report

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