Quiz Question Validation Settings

Quiz Question Validation Settings

Here, this feature provides several ways you can validate responses from those in your respondent group as shown below:

Accessing the Quiz Question Validation Settings

  1. From the Left hand menu, navigate to Projects
  2. Click on “All Projects” in the sub menu, this will open up the Project List
  3. In a project folder, choose the ‘Quiz’ option by clicking on “Create New”  or select an existing quiz from the list. You will be redirected to the Quiz Window.
  4. Click on the edit button  to on the question you would like to edit or Click on Add Question to start editing your first question. The Question Editor window will appear.
  5. Click on “Advanced Settings” and the advanced settings options will open up.
  6. Click on the “Validation” tab.

Invalid Response Reply Prefix

You can capture an invalid message prefix that will be sent out as part of the resend question if the response made to the question is invalid.

It is key to customize this prefix based on your customer. The default prefix is “Please try again”
To set up an invalid response reply prefix, do the following:
  1. Go to the Quiz Question Validation Settings tab by following the steps under Accessing Quiz Question Validation Settings above
  2. Under Invalid Response Reply Prefix, type in the desired message.
  3. Click on “Save Question” to update the settings.

Other Allowed Responses

Here you can be able to capture other allowed responses to a question. These would be other arbitrary values e.g. Don't Know, Refuse, etc.This feature can be used to allow respondents to 'pass' questions with lookup actions.
To set up other allowed responses, do the following:
  1. Go to the Quiz Question Validation Settings tab by following the steps under Accessing Quiz Question Validation Settings above
  2. Under Other Allowed Responses, key in the responses and enter each value on a new line.
  3. Click on “Save Question” to update the settings.

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