Survey Product Serial Registration

Survey Product Serial Registration

Survey product registration comes in handy when an organization are looking to instruct a customer on how to register a product via SMS as opposed to relying on instructions on the product.
Example: An organization advertises registration of product warranty by requiring the customer to text the keyword only. The next steps are informed via survey questions and in this case combined with survey product registration.
You can now register a product via a survey. This is carried out by setting up the following on the platform:
  1. Setting up Product and Product Serials
  2. Creating a Product Registration Survey
  3. Editing Contact Group Registration & Response Settings

Setting up Product and Product Serials

First you need to create your product and it's serials within the platform

To create a new Product
  1. From the Left hand menu, navigate to More
  2. Click on “Products”
  3. This will open up the manage products window, click on “ Create New” to add a new product
  4. This will open up the New Product window.
  5. Once the Product has been created, you can now capture the product serials.
  6. To add new serials
  1. Click on the desired product
  2. Under the selected product, click on "Serials", this will open the Serials list window
  3. Click on the Add icon to load the Serial Add option

Creating a Registration Survey

Once you have captured the product and product serial, now you can design the survey that will conduct the product registration. Create a new survey under a new projects folder or in an existing folder.

  1. In the Survey, Create a survey question with the response type as “Open Ended” that requests the user to text back their product serial
  2. Click on question advanced settings, select response handling. Select the Action as "Serial lookup"
  3. Once you select the “Serial Lookup” option, “Lookup and Register Serial” option appears
  4. This “Lookup and Register Serial” option will perform a lookup function on the product and product serials that have been captured in the platform, validate whether the serial sent in as a response is available and register the product serial to the contact if the product serial is available.
  5. Under Advanced Settings, Click on the Validation tab. Here you can be able the message prefix that will included as part of the question if the response is invalid
  6. You can alternatively set up  follow up questions e.g "what is your name" as shown in the example below “what is your location" or a question that includes a successful registration message or a thank you message.

The contact will receive a response that the product serial has been registered. If the Product Serial is already registered or is a wrong serial, the contact will receive an invalid serial response.

Editing Group Registration & Response Settings

After creating the survey, next is to set up and edit the Registration and Response settings for the group you would like Contacts to text in the keyword to your short code that will trigger the Product Registration Survey.
  1. Click on the desired group and click on the Settings Tab.
  2. Under Settings, click on Registration & Response
  3. Select the Product Registration Survey that you had set up under “Reply Survey or Notice”
  4. Take note of the Don't send registration survey to contacts who have already invited/completed it" feature
This feature when enabled would restrict contacts in the group from taking the registration survey multiple times as if a contact has already been invited or completed the registration survey. Disable this feature if you would like your contact to text in the keyword into your short code and retake the product registration survey multiple times.

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